Dzisiaj uruchomiony został support giełdy BTC-e. Support prowadzony jest w dwóch językach: rosyjskim i angielskim. Jeżeli macie jakiś problem ze swoim kontem na giełdzie albo chcielibyście o coś zapytać, to od teraz możecie to zrobić na stronie
Przy okazji giełda informuje, że wszyscy użytkownicy dostali zwrot z konta PAMM.
Today we launch ticket system; you can find it following this link –
The portal is available in 2 languages Russian and English.
Questions about old accounts that you can solve through ticket system until 15.09.2017:
1. Questions about return of 55% of funds until 15.09.2017
2. Receiving private keys for withdrawal of funds from pools.
3. Questions about coins deposited from 25.07.17 to 1.08.17 (included)
Questions that you can solve only after passing the verification on the new platform:
1. Disabling the 2fa if you don’t have access to it.
2. Changing of the email address.
3. Unblocking the account (If it was blocked before 25.07.2017)
4. The search of deposits and withdrawals using wire transfer (SEPA, SWIFT, etc.)
Information about PAMM – Returns on PAMM accounts have been credited to all users.
Respectfully BTC-e teamBTC-e