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Coinbase doda wsparcie dla tokenów ERC-20

coinbase plus erc20

Amerykańska giełda kryptowalut Coinbase ogłosiła, że planuje dodać wsparcie dla standardów Ethereum ERC-20 w nadchodzących miesiącach. To otworzy giełdzie drogę do wspierania tokenów ERC-20 w przyszłości. Jak na razie Coinbase nie przedstawiła żadnych konkretnych aktywów ani funkcji jakie mają być zaimplementowane.

We’re excited to announce our intention to support the Ethereum ERC20 technical standard for Coinbase in the coming months. This paves the way for supporting ERC20 assets across Coinbase products in the future, though we aren’t announcing support for any specific assets or features at this time.


W ogłoszeniu opublikowanym na blogu Coinbase, zostało wyszczególnione co to konkretnie oznacza dla poszczególnych produktów Coinbase:

Coinbase Custody — the Custody team is evaluating a set of assets to support for deposits and withdrawals. Note: Custody will likely support more assets than those available to trade on GDAX or Coinbase for the foreseeable future.

GDAX — the GDAX team will wait for additional regulatory clarity before we decide which ERC20 assets to support on GDAX. Support for ERC20 will also give us a path to enabling the safe recovery of customer ERC20 assets inadvertently sent to GDAX Ethereum addresses.

Coinbase Asset Management— per the index methodology, any asset listed on GDAX will be added to the Coinbase Index on a market capitalization weighted basis.

Coinbase — per our previous guidance, Coinbase will only list assets after they are listed on GDAX. After evaluating factors such as liquidity, price stability, and other market health metrics, we may choose to add any ERC20 asset added to GDAX to the Coinbase platform. It’s also worth repeating that GDAX will likely have more assets listed on the platform than the Coinbase platform, i.e. listing on GDAX does not guarantee listing on Coinbase.

Additionally, like GDAX, support for ERC20 will also give us a path to enabling the safe recovery customer ERC20 assets inadvertently sent to Coinbase Ethereum addresses.

Coinbase Commerce— no planned ERC20 support at this time.


1 opinia o “Coinbase doda wsparcie dla tokenów ERC-20”

  1. Pingback: Tokeny ERC-20 zawitały na Coinbase – pierwszym z nich jest 0x (ZRX) – GIEŁDY KRYPTOWALUT

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